Before I had children, I always knew I wanted to teach prenatal yoga.However,I could never
imagine how important my yoga practice would be during 3 very different pregnancies and
birth experiences.
Like most mums to be,I read the books,I went to the antenatal classes, but it was my yoga
practice that 'filled in the gaps' teaching me how to respond to my changing body and
questioning mind.
Unfortunately covid has had a massive impact on pregnant mothers and birth trauma is on
the rise. This has led me to training in more than just prenatal yoga, but training to support
partners in birth preparation too.
Perhaps, like I did, you have found yourself starting to feel a little more anxious or vulnerable
about how your birth experience may be?There may be some trepidation between you and
your partner going forward? Perhaps a previous birth didn't go exactly as you had hoped, or
left you feeling invaded.How can you feel informed on the choices you would like to
I am offering a preparation for birth workshop for Women and their Birth partners. This can
help you both feel empowered and involved ,providing you with the tools you need for a
positive experience of birthing your baby.You will learn the essentials needed to work with
your body during the birth process.
What to expect:

- Understanding different stages of labour and birth
- The role of hormones in birth
- Breathing and positions for labour
- Breathing and positions for birth
- Tips for partners and hands on support suggestions
- Breath work, massage and relaxation techniques to use during labour
- How to stay active at home or hospital
- Build your confidence surrounding your birth
- Postnatal tips
When I finished my training, the one thing I kept thinking was,'I wish I had taken this
workshop before I had my babies!' This is why I want to share this knowledge with you.
Please get in touch if you have any questions, or see you at class!
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